Get certified by the most prestigious European academy for recruitment!


Why you should join the event?

Recruitment Academy certifications are the most comprehensive international training programs for HR and recruitment specialists and they have two levels: Certified Sourcer (RACS) and Certified Recruiter (RACR).


RACS: 18 – 22.11.2024.  

RACR: 25 – 27.11.2024.

Recruitment Academy Certified Sourcer

The Recruitment Academy Certified Sourcer (RACS) training is focused on contemporary recruitment practices for finding and attracting passive candidates in the labor market as well as enhancing the efficiency of the overall recruitment process.

Recruitment Academy Certified Recruiter

The RACR training is the second level of the Recruitment Academy certification. The training focuses on more advanced recruitment practices, such as the psychology of job interviews, as well as employer and personal branding.

About the event

  • HRists, HR specialists & generalists, recruiters, headhunters
  • Recruitment agency consultants, executive search companies or external HR workers
  • University students or other people who would like to start their career in HR and recruitment
  • Anybody who wants to deepen their knowledge and obtain the most complex education in the field of modern recruitment
  • RACS+R content consists of pre-recorded and live part covering recruitment automation, candidate life cycle, social media recruitment, HR marketing, the psychology of interviews, legal aspects and others in the whole volume of 20 modules (30 training hours).
  • Get acquainted with relevant and modern practices for optimizing the process of searching, attracting, and hiring top talent.
  • Gain practical knowledge essential for finding and contacting passive candidates on social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
  • Master the best practices for enhancing the effectiveness and success rate of recruiting for hard-to-fill positions.
  • RACS/RACR® certificate signed by the advisory board of Recruitment Academy and credibility partners such as Nestlé, Red Bull, Deloitte and more,
  • complex education in HR reflecting the current market situation,
  • you will become one of the internationally recognized and certified HR specialists.
  • 30 hours of pre-recorded & live sessions,
  • access to the educational platform with all content for two months,
  • lifetime access to the Recruitment Academy community for tips and updates
  • courses with 11 renowned experts such as Jose Kadlec, Jan Mühlfeit, Romana Martincova, Blake Wittman, Milan Novak and more.


It’s both actually. A great deal of the training is live so you can meet almost all the speakers and trainers live, ask questions and interact (if you want).

Also a part of the training is pre-recorded so you start your learning curve right away.

There is a multiple choice test after RACS (Certified Sourcer), RACR (Certified Recruiter), and RACS+R (Certified Sourcer + Recruiter).

If you enrolled to the fully loaded training RACS+R, you have to pass both RACS + RACR tests to obtain RACS+R certification for 360-degree recruiters.

The certifications are backed by the Recruitment Academy advisory board with the Chairman Jan Mühlfeit, retired President of Microsoft Europe.

Also, the certification is backed by company the credibility partners including companies such as Nestlé, L’Oréal, Unilever, Faurecia, Deloitte and other whose logos you will also find on your certificates.

Don’t worry. We provide full recording of all live sessions.

What you'll learn in the course

Live; José Kadlec
Staffing Trends and the Future of Sourcing

Staffing Trends and the Future of Sourcing

José Kadlec

Before you start to analyze and improve your recruitment activities, you need to look at market data and trends that affect the labor market. These will most likely significantly affect your options. This module, led by José Kadlec from Recruitment Academy, GoodCall and Datacruit will introduce the main talent sourcing developments, recruitment trends and job market metrics.

  • Talent sourcing funnel data
  • Social media recruitment pipeline breakdown
  • Fundamental open-source talent mapping techniques
  • Eduployment as a new staffing trend on demanding job markets
  • New skills which every talent sourcer and recruiter needs to grasp


Keynote Guest Speech - Kim & Gordon Lokenberg

Kim and Gordon believe Sourcing can help your business in many ways, not only from a Recruitment perspective. They help Sales people in finding their lead,  Marketing in mapping their audience and Events to reach their future attendees. Lokenbergs provide Sourcing and Recruitment services and Sourcing Training, accross all sectors all over the world.

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - Live; Milan Novák
Candidate Life Cycle

Candidate Life Cycle

Milan Novák

Milan Novák, CEO of GoodCall and a recruitment expert with more than 20 years experience in the field of recruitment, analyzes the main aspects and pitfalls of individual phases on the path of a candidate starting from finding him to onboarding him in the company.

  • Setting up the recruitment process and its parts
  • Active and passive candidate vs. Inbound and Outbound strategies
  • Candidate Experience in the recruitment process
  • Aspects of the recruitment process and mistakes to avoid
  • How to attract and engage the candidate in the various stages of recruitment process

Pre-recorded; José Kadlec
Talent/Market Mapping Methods for Recruitment

Talent/Market Mapping Methods for Recruitment

José Kadlec

In this module, José will also show how to do practical market mapping with candidates from publicly available sources.

  • Practicing the right search process for specific job positions on various platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere
  • How to find the maximum possible candidates using different search models - iterative, semantic, implicit, linguistic, etc.
  • Practicing the correct use of so-called Boolean operators
  • Specification of procedures that can reveal other places on LinkedIn, Facebook and other online resources with potential candidates
  • Practice specifying a shortlist with candidates so that we don't lose anyone relevant
  • Ensuring an efficient process so that the search is time efficient
  • Practice searching via Internet search engines (so-called X-ray search)
  • The largest employers of specific professions, skills, nationalities, etc.
  • Mapping of locations with the talent you need
  • Which company uses which technology
  • What is the education and experience of people with certain specialization
  • Who's Hiring
  • Who’s Firing

Pre-recorded; José Kadlec
Candidate Searching Framework

Candidate Searching Framework

José Kadlec

José Kadlec, the first certified LinkedIn recruiter in Eastern and Central Europe, world-class expert and pioneer in social media recruitment solutions and co-founder of companies GoodCall, Recruitment Academy and Datacruit, reveals his recruitment know-how. This module mainly analyzes the search for candidates anywhere online and will help you fill more positions and gain a competitive advantage.

  • Both current and future trends in online recruitment
  • The most recent innovations in talent sourcing
  • Significance of social media in modern day recruitment
  • Where to search for candidates online
  • Maximizing the use of LinkedIn People Search
  • How to uncover hidden resources containing relevant candidates (ie. hidden talent pools)
  • When is upgrading to a paid LinkedIn account worthwhile?
  • How to work around or replace most LinkedIn paid services at no cost
  • What is a Boolean search and why is it a part of successful recruiters’ daily routine?
  • Defining boolean operators, modifiers and search commands
  • X-Ray search and how to target and filter LinkedIn users through internet search-engines
  • Searching across various platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Clubhouse, Vkontakte and more
  • Searching on specialized platforms, like Dribbble, Behance, Bitbucket, Github, StackOverflow, etc.
  • Legally evading limitations, for example, LinkedIn Commercial Use Limit, limit for the number of candidates shown in results, displaying candidates outside of your network. etc.
  • Using external tools for the daily needs of both recruiters and talent sourcers
  • Work with sourcing checklist and sourcing stack of tools and plugins

Live; José Kadlec
Real-Life Practical Sourcing

Real-Life Practical Sourcing

José Kadlec

Join Jose Kadlec in two live sourcing sessions!

The Live Sourcing Lab for non-technical roles will take place on May 25th, 2023.

The IT Live Sourcing Lab will take place on May 29th.

No presentation, no slides, no theory - only you, lecturer José Kadlec and thorough practice of searching for candidates on all possible platforms for your specific real positions.

Pre-recorded; José Kadlec
Recruitment & Sourcing Automation

Recruitment & Sourcing Automation

José Kadlec

In this module, technologist and entrepreneur José Kadlec uses the term transhuman recruitment, which expresses the way we can increase our productivity, fill more positions or fill them faster by automating and robotizing the recruiter's daily tasks.

  • What can be automated in recruitment process
  • Native automation which is already part of LinkedIn
  • Description of external tools for automation of individual parts of recruitment process
  • How to save time and make it a day more and with less effort
  • Case-study: Detailed description of how to automate the distribution of personalized LinkedIn invitations, messages and InMail

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - live; Jose Kadlec & Tomas Faust
Candidate Approaching

Candidate Approaching

José Kadlec

Former software engineer and ethical hacker, José Kadlec, will use his technical knowledge to show you how to find an email address or phone number for virtually anyone, and also show you tools and plugins that will help you significantly with online recruitment.

  • Finding the contact information of any user under any circumstances
  • Determining the email address of almost any user around the world
  • Determining which forms of contacting candidates are the most effective
  • Measuring the effectivity of contacting candidates and improving the success rate
  • Creating messages that candidates won’t ignore
  • Facilitating recruiters’ and talent sourcers’ daily routines using a set of specific sourcing plugins
  • Approaching automation - how to send robotic customized LinkedIn invitations on autopilot and other forms of automation

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - Live; Blake Wittman
Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment Marketing

Blake Wittman

A job ad is an ad text. They have to sell and reach the target group well. It depends on the title, perex, length, syllabus and many other parameters. Blake Wittman will teach you how to create an effective job advertisement that will raise the number of candidates for your position several times over.

  • How to write an ad that will reach your target group
  • How to write an ad that will sell your position
  • What to focus on when writing an advertisement
  • What parameters are important when creating an advertisement
  • How to increase the number of registered candidates thanks to a correctly written advertisement

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - Live; Milan Novak
Diversity Recruiting

Diversity Recruiting

Milan Novák

In this section, Milan focuses on the new trend and explains the importance of diversity, inclusion and prejudice in modern recruitment and the reasons why you will not avoid this trend.

  • What is unconscious bias?
  • Where does it come from?
  • Typical biases explained: gender, ethnic, racial, age, sexual orientation, physical disability, education background
  • How does it inhibit the diversity in hiring?
  • Explanation of Affinity Bias, Confirmation Bias, Group Thinking, The Halo Effect
  • Intuitive VS. Structured approach - how to collect comparable data?
  • Focus on skills (BEI Behavioral Event Interview strategy)

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - Live; José Kadlec
Personal Branding in Recruitment

Personal Branding in Recruitment

José Kadlec

In this module, José Kadlec will show you practical steps on how to define your personal brand if you are a recruiter, talent sourcer, or HR manager and how to activate it through social networks, content creation, and other tools.

This module will help not only recruitment specialists but also companies that need to use the personal brand of their employees to build corporate goals such as better recruitment or building an employer brand.

  • The importance of personal branding for HR specialists and hiring managers
  • Examples of posts on social networks and how to create expert content effectively
  • What are the main networking goals of a successful recruiter
  • A technical overview of all social media formats, including those you probably didn't know about
  • How to ensure the maximum reach of your contributions
  • How to get at least 200 likes for each of your posts
  • How to get 30,000 LinkedIn followers in a year or less
  • Automate routine tasks such as sending LinkedIn invitations
  • Analysis of the most important parts of LinkedIn and Facebook profile for recruitment
  • How to effectively increase the number of LinkedIn, Facebook and other contacts without blocking your account

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - Live; Jan J. Zenaty
Effective Techniques for Online & Offline Interviews

Effective Techniques for Online & Offline Interviews

Jan J. Ženatý

Do you rely on intuition to choose the right candidate, or do you apply science-proven techniques and approaches to interviewing methods? And which of these two options will ensure us the right choice of candidate? What personality types are there, and how to reveal them during the interview? How to avoid recruiting a problematic personality type? The top practical psychologist Jan Zenaty will guide you through all these topics and situations.

  • How to organize a successful selection interview
  • Nonverbal and verbal communication (what to say and not to say, what to do and not to do)
  • How to conclude an interview contract with a candidate and therefore increase openness and will to share
  • Traditional selection interview
  • Behavioral selection interview
  • Interview by competence
  • Stress selection interview
  • Communication and offer negotiation
  • Problematic types

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - Live; Milan Novak
Recruitment Metrics and KPIs

Recruitment Metrics and KPIs

Milan Novák

The use of HR data is still in its infancy. If we cannot properly measure and evaluate our activities and processes, then we cannot improve them either. In this module Milan Novak analyzes key success indicators in the recruitment process. He explains how to interpret this data in order to manage the whole recruitment process successfully. We will answer the following questions: Why are some recruiters successful and some not? How to set your personal goals and grow both personally and professionally?

  • Use of data in HR
  • Overview of key success indicators in recruitment
  • Benchmarking of global and local recruitment statistics
  • Performance and quality metrics in recruitment and their optimization
  • Setting individual and team goals
  • Agile approach to recruitment

Live; Jan Prochazka
Legal Aspects of Today's Recruitment

Legal Aspects of Today's Recruitment

Jan Procházka

Modern recruitment combined with new digital technologies such as social networks, online interviews, robotization, and digital databases with artificial intelligence bring new challenges in terms of legislation. Deloitte Legal Partner and expert in Czech and international labor law Jan Prochazka will guide you through the legal aspects of recruitment.

  • What you must NOT ask during an interview
  • Implementation of GDPR and its best-practise
  • Legal binding of the job offer
  • Trial period and how to set it up
  • Competition clauses in practice
  • Aspects of home office and remote work

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - Live; Romana Martincova
Implementation of Employer Branding and HR Marketing

Implementation of Employer Branding and HR Marketing

Romana Martincová

Romana Martincova, Head of HR at Red Bull and former HR and TA manager at L’Oréal will teach you where to start if you want to build an employer's strategic brand. She will explain the procedure and individual steps of strategic employer branding. She will also say, for example, how to involve a new "phygital" phenomenon in employer branding or why candidate experience is important.

  • Determine the target group
  • Create attractive and authentic campaign content
  • Involve employees in content creation
  • Link internal EVP with external communication campaign
  • Obtain internal management support for investments in employer branding
  • Various activation tools and campaigns
  • Work with social media for the purpose of building the employer's brand
  • Create a concept of a successful employer branding strategy
  • Demonstration of the practical application of a successful strategic approach of employer branding to a specific FMCG company

Live; José Kadlec
Automation and Personal Productivity in Recruitment

Automation and Personal Productivity in Recruitment

José Kadlec

In this module, technologist, and entrepreneur José Kadlec uses the term transhuman recruitment, which expresses the way we can increase our productivity, fill more positions or fill them faster by automating and robotizing the recruiter's daily tasks.

  • What can be automated in recruitment process
  • Native automation which is already part of LinkedIn
  • Description of external tools for automation of individual parts of recruitment process
  • How to save time and make it a day more and with less effort
  • Case-study: Detailed description of how to automate the distribution of personalized LinkedIn invitations, messages and InMail

Part 1 - Pre-recorded; Part 2 - live; Jan J. Zenaty
Psychology of Job Interviews

Psychology of Job Interviews

Jan J. Ženatý

A lie is a problematic phenomenon. It can rarely be distinguished from the truth with 100% certainty. Paula Ekman's method is one of the most helpful techniques for interview conducting, with an up to 90% accuracy rate when used by professionals. Its tremendous advantage lies in its non-invasive approach - the candidate doesn't feel like they're being interrogated. The only certified cat of this method in the Czech Republic, Jan Zenaty, who was trained by a specialty for interrogations from Scotland Yard, will guide you through this module.

  • Reading emotions from facial expressions by Paul Ekman (subtle, macro and micro emotional expressions)
  • Model of disguising and fabricating - how emotional and cognitive stress is displayed when lying
  • The golden rules of uncovering lies
  • Consistency and spontaneity analysis
  • 5 communication channels (face, body, voice, style and content)
  • Practice of identifying inconsistencies in communication - technique of HoT Spot observation
  • Video analysis
  • Practical exercises using the Ekman method to conduct interviews

Pre-recorded; Eliska Sonska Steklikova
Modern Psychodiagnostic Tools

Modern Psychodiagnostic Tools

Eliška Šonská Steklíková

The need for long-distance cooperation and the extreme reduction in opportunities for face-to-face meetings and communication have restricted us in many ways. We are therefore forced to look for alternative methods for getting to know candidates as well as developing and supporting employees - and psychodiagnostics is one of them. Your guide through this module will be Eliska Sonska Steklikova, who has experience with the use of various psychodiagnostic tools in startups and corporations, as an external consultant and internal HR, and is in close contact with the academic environment, where new tools are created and the effectiveness of existing methods is verified.

  • How the current state of the labor market affected the use of psychodiagnostics in companies
  • What (new) psychodiagnostic tools are available on the market
  • Based on what parameters you can assess the quality of the methods you will encounter in practice
  • How to effectively use the potential of psychodiagnostic methods by using them throughout the entire life cycle of the employee - how to use psychodiagnostics to support, for example, the selection, engagement or well-being of your colleagues

Live; Jan Mühlfeit (ex-Predisent of Microsoft Europe)

How to Play the A-game in Recruitment

Jan Mühlfeit is a global strategist, coach to top managers, Olympic champions, artists, and author of the bestseller The Positive Leader. His personal mission is to help individuals, organizations, and countries around the world unlock their human potential.

He has had a highly successful twenty-two-year career at Microsoft, working in various leadership positions. His last position in this high-tech corporation was as President for Europe (2007-2014).

Throughout his career, he has provided personal development interviews for CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and La Tribune as an expert.

Jan has served on various advisory boards for several European governments in the areas of information and communication technologies, national competitiveness, and education. He has also provided advice on various projects for the WEF, OECD, and EC.

Jan teaches individuals and teams how to uncover their strengths and find the best in themselves. His techniques are valuable for coordinating business growth and show organizations how to create synergy within teams, inspire people through positive leadership, and deliver optimal performance across various fields of human activity through flow.











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