Milan Novák

Milan is CEO and co-founder of recruitment agency Goodcall and training institution Recruitment Academy. He has implemented recruitment and talent strategies since 2000. Before starting his own business, Milan served as Branch Manager, Country Manager and Regional Managing Director CEE for Grafton Recruitment and was a member of the board of Grafton Europe. He led an agency with more than 350 employees. Milan is a member of the APPS (Association of Personnel Services Providers).
Candidate Life Cycle
Milan Novák, CEO of GoodCall and a recruitment expert with more than 20 years experience in the field of recruitment, analyzes the main aspects and pitfalls of individual phases on the path of a candidate starting from finding him to onboarding him in the company.
- Setting up the recruitment process and its parts
- Active and passive candidate vs. Inbound and Outbound strategies
- Candidate Experience in the recruitment process
- Aspects of the recruitment process and mistakes to avoid
- How to attract and engage the candidate in the various stages of recruitment process
Diversity Recruiting
In this section, Milan focuses on the new trend and explains the importance of diversity, inclusion and prejudice in modern recruitment and the reasons why you will not avoid this trend.
- What is unconscious bias?
- Where does it come from?
- Typical biases explained: gender, ethnic, racial, age, sexual orientation, physical disability, education background
- How does it inhibit the diversity in hiring?
- Explanation of Affinity Bias, Confirmation Bias, Group Thinking, The Halo Effect
- Intuitive VS. Structured approach - how to collect comparable data?
- Focus on skills (BEI Behavioral Event Interview strategy)
Recruitment Metrics and KPIs
The use of HR data is still in its infancy. If we cannot properly measure and evaluate our activities and processes, then we cannot improve them either. In this module Milan Novak analyzes key success indicators in the recruitment process. He explains how to interpret this data in order to manage the whole recruitment process successfully. We will answer the following questions: Why are some recruiters successful and some not? How to set your personal goals and grow both personally and professionally?
- Use of data in HR
- Overview of key success indicators in recruitment
- Benchmarking of global and local recruitment statistics
- Performance and quality metrics in recruitment and their optimization
- Setting individual and team goals
- Agile approach to recruitment