José Kadlec
José is the founder of GoodCall, Recruitment Academy and Datacruit. He started with the background of software engineer as an unconventional headhunter and talent sourcing architect. He is the author of People as Merchandise: Crack the Code to LinkedIn Recruitment and Covid-Proof Virtual Trainer. He is a lecturer of the Recruitment Engineering video course and also curating the global sourcing education for Social Talent. He is the regular author of professional articles and moderator of podcast Inhuman resources and Redefining Recruitment. José is also the first officially certified LinkedIn recruiter in Central and Eastern Europe.
Staffing Trends and the Future of Sourcing
Before you start to analyze and improve your recruitment activities, you need to look at market data and trends that affect the labor market. These will most likely significantly affect your options. This module, led by José Kadlec from Recruitment Academy, GoodCall and Datacruit will introduce the main talent sourcing developments, recruitment trends and job market metrics.
- Talent sourcing funnel data
- Social media recruitment pipeline breakdown
- Fundamental open-source talent mapping techniques
- Eduployment as a new staffing trend on demanding job markets
- New skills which every talent sourcer and recruiter needs to grasp
Talent/Market Mapping Methods for Recruitment
In this module, José will also show how to do practical market mapping with candidates from publicly available sources.
- Practicing the right search process for specific job positions on various platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere
- How to find the maximum possible candidates using different search models - iterative, semantic, implicit, linguistic, etc.
- Practicing the correct use of so-called Boolean operators
- Specification of procedures that can reveal other places on LinkedIn, Facebook and other online resources with potential candidates
- Practice specifying a shortlist with candidates so that we don't lose anyone relevant
- Ensuring an efficient process so that the search is time efficient
- Practice searching via Internet search engines (so-called X-ray search)
- The largest employers of specific professions, skills, nationalities, etc.
- Mapping of locations with the talent you need
- Which company uses which technology
- What is the education and experience of people with certain specialization
- Who's Hiring
- Who’s Firing
Candidate Searching Framework
José Kadlec, the first certified LinkedIn recruiter in Eastern and Central Europe, world-class expert and pioneer in social media recruitment solutions and co-founder of companies GoodCall, Recruitment Academy and Datacruit, reveals his recruitment know-how. This module mainly analyzes the search for candidates anywhere online and will help you fill more positions and gain a competitive advantage.
- Both current and future trends in online recruitment
- The most recent innovations in talent sourcing
- Significance of social media in modern day recruitment
- Where to search for candidates online
- Maximizing the use of LinkedIn People Search
- How to uncover hidden resources containing relevant candidates (ie. hidden talent pools)
- When is upgrading to a paid LinkedIn account worthwhile?
- How to work around or replace most LinkedIn paid services at no cost
- What is a Boolean search and why is it a part of successful recruiters’ daily routine?
- Defining boolean operators, modifiers and search commands
- X-Ray search and how to target and filter LinkedIn users through internet search-engines
- Searching across various platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Clubhouse, Vkontakte and more
- Searching on specialized platforms, like Dribbble, Behance, Bitbucket, Github, StackOverflow, About.me etc.
- Legally evading limitations, for example, LinkedIn Commercial Use Limit, limit for the number of candidates shown in results, displaying candidates outside of your network. etc.
- Using external tools for the daily needs of both recruiters and talent sourcers
- Work with sourcing checklist and sourcing stack of tools and plugins
Real-Life Practical Sourcing
Join Jose Kadlec in two live sourcing sessions!
The Live Sourcing Lab for non-technical roles will take place on May 25th, 2023.
The IT Live Sourcing Lab will take place on May 29th.
No presentation, no slides, no theory - only you, lecturer José Kadlec and thorough practice of searching for candidates on all possible platforms for your specific real positions.
Recruitment & Sourcing Automation
In this module, technologist and entrepreneur José Kadlec uses the term transhuman recruitment, which expresses the way we can increase our productivity, fill more positions or fill them faster by automating and robotizing the recruiter's daily tasks.
- What can be automated in recruitment process
- Native automation which is already part of LinkedIn
- Description of external tools for automation of individual parts of recruitment process
- How to save time and make it a day more and with less effort
- Case-study: Detailed description of how to automate the distribution of personalized LinkedIn invitations, messages and InMail
Candidate Approaching
Former software engineer and ethical hacker, José Kadlec, will use his technical knowledge to show you how to find an email address or phone number for virtually anyone, and also show you tools and plugins that will help you significantly with online recruitment.
- Finding the contact information of any user under any circumstances
- Determining the email address of almost any user around the world
- Determining which forms of contacting candidates are the most effective
- Measuring the effectivity of contacting candidates and improving the success rate
- Creating messages that candidates won’t ignore
- Facilitating recruiters’ and talent sourcers’ daily routines using a set of specific sourcing plugins
- Approaching automation - how to send robotic customized LinkedIn invitations on autopilot and other forms of automation
Personal Branding in Recruitment
In this module, José Kadlec will show you practical steps on how to define your personal brand if you are a recruiter, talent sourcer, or HR manager and how to activate it through social networks, content creation, and other tools.
This module will help not only recruitment specialists but also companies that need to use the personal brand of their employees to build corporate goals such as better recruitment or building an employer brand.
- The importance of personal branding for HR specialists and hiring managers
- Examples of posts on social networks and how to create expert content effectively
- What are the main networking goals of a successful recruiter
- A technical overview of all social media formats, including those you probably didn't know about
- How to ensure the maximum reach of your contributions
- How to get at least 200 likes for each of your posts
- How to get 30,000 LinkedIn followers in a year or less
- Automate routine tasks such as sending LinkedIn invitations
- Analysis of the most important parts of LinkedIn and Facebook profile for recruitment
- How to effectively increase the number of LinkedIn, Facebook and other contacts without blocking your account
Automation and Personal Productivity in Recruitment
In this module, technologist, and entrepreneur José Kadlec uses the term transhuman recruitment, which expresses the way we can increase our productivity, fill more positions or fill them faster by automating and robotizing the recruiter's daily tasks.
- What can be automated in recruitment process
- Native automation which is already part of LinkedIn
- Description of external tools for automation of individual parts of recruitment process
- How to save time and make it a day more and with less effort
- Case-study: Detailed description of how to automate the distribution of personalized LinkedIn invitations, messages and InMail